Center for the Study of the Philosophy and Culture of India “Purushottama” of the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship named after. Patrice Lumumba (Moscow, Russia) in cooperation with the Abkhaz State University (Sukhumi, Abkhazia) conducts a summer school “Philosophy and Languages of the East” in a full-time distance format from August 14 to August 25, 2023 Venue: Gagra – Sukhumi.
The Summer School program includes the following thematic blocks:
- Indian philosophy.
- Yoga: methods of working on oneself in India.
- Languages and Literature of India.
- Art of India.
- Arab-Muslim philosophy.
- Languages and literature of the Muslim East.
- Art and architecture of the Muslim East.
- Russia as a recipient of the East.
Participants will gain a panoramic view of the studied cultures and their constituent elements and will discover their special interest in a particular topic, which will allow them to deepen their knowledge in the chosen subject on their own or in another way.
Classes are held daily from 14.00 to 18.00 at the National Library of the Republic of Abkhazia named after I.G. Papaskir, Sukhumi.

Students, graduate students and anyone interested in the philosophy, languages and culture of the East are invited to participate.
At the end, a participant certificate is issued (sent).
You can sign up by sending an e-mail to the address: addressed to the head of the program, Ph.D., prof. Pskhu Ruzana Vladimirovna.