The following translations have been published:
1) translation from English of a scientific article by the Polish Indologist G. Marlevich (Halina Marlewicz. The question of the unity of karmakāṇḍa and jñanakāṇḍa according to Rāmānuja//Studies in Hinduism IV. Pañcaratra and Viśistadvaitavedanta”.
Ed. by G. Oberhammer and M. Rastelli. [ ÖAW. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens Nr. 41]. Wien 2007) – translated by Vecherina O.P. Translation published in the book: Gerhard Oberhammer:
Indologist and Philosopher. Part II: D 40 Monograph. / Responsible editor R.V. Pskhu – M.: LLC “Sadra”, 2021. – 288 p.
2) translation from a Polish scientific article by the Polish Indologist G. Marlevich ybranych myślicieli tradycji Kraków 2012) – trans. Rooftop L.E. Translation published in the book: Gerhard Oberhammer: Indologist and Philosopher.
Part II: D 40 Monograph. /Responsible editor. R.V. Pskhu – M .: LLC “Sadra”, 2021. – 288 p.
3) translation from English of a scientific article by the Polish Indologist G. Marlevich (Halina Marlewicz. Advaita Vedānta Hermeneutics of Revelation Key-Statements as Mythicising of Transcendence // Mythisierung der Transzen denz
als Entwurf ihrer Erfahrung. Wien. 2003) – trans. Roman L.G. Translation published in the book: Gerhard Oberhammer: Indologist and Philosopher. Part II: D 40 Monograph. /Responsible editor. R.V. Pskhu – M .: LLC “Sadra”, 2021. –
288 p.
4) translation from English excerpt from the book of Swaminath Iyer – trans. Gordiychuk N.V. The translation was published in the Hinduism magazine, 2021, No. 3 (16).