Photos from the seminar in Arkhyz are published

Center for the Study of Indian Philosophy and Culture “Purushottama”, PFUR (Moscow) in collaboration with the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg)
24 April 2023, 15:00
Featured speakers:
Pskhu Ruzana, Professor, PhD, “Situational hermeneutics as a method of historical-philosophical analysis. On Biruni’s translation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as transmitted by one of his followers.”
Paribok Andrey, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, “On Differences in the Assumption and Application of Concepts in Indian Thought in Comparison with Western Thought.”

The scientific seminar “Hermeneutics: Breaking Points” will be held on November 09, 2022 (Wednesday).
Keynote speaker:
Dr. Sergey L. Burmistrov (Ph.D., Leading Researcher at IOM RAS, St. Petersburg.
Hymnography of the Vedanta: the Ideological Aspect (Based on the Records of Manuscript Collections of the IVR RAS).
Pshu Ruzana Vladimirovna (Ph.D., Associate Professor, Professor of Faculty of History of Philosophy, Chief Researcher of the Centre for Philosophy and Culture of India, Purushottama, Russian Peoples University of Peoples Friendship).
On Yamunacharya’s “Stotra-ratna” or what begins hymnography in Vishishishta-Advaita Vedanta.
The recording of the workshop session will be posted on YouTube

Within the framework of the scientific seminar “Philosophical Indology” dedicated to the study of the history of Indian philosophy the Center for the Study of Indian Philosophy and Culture “Purushottama” (PFUR) and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOM RAS) invite you on September 30, 2022 (Friday, 15.00, IOM RAS, Saint Petersburg) to a full-time seminar on the religious hermeneutics of Gerhard Oberhammer.

On July 1, 2022 there was an introductory meeting of the joint scientific seminar “Philosophical Indology”.

Philosophical Indology
The Purushottama Research Centre for Philosophy and Culture of India (PFUR) and the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOM RAS) invite you to the first introductory seminar “Philosophical Indology” on July 01, 2022 (Friday). The recording of the seminar session will be posted on YouTube (channels of IOM RAS and Purushottama Research Centre).
Seminar topic:
Keynote speakers:
– Elena Ostrovskaya, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Chief Researcher of Central and South Asia Department, specialist in the history of philosophy of ancient and early medieval India
– Ruzana Pshu (Ph.D. in Philosophy, Professor of the History of Philosophy, Chief Researcher of the Center for the Study of Indian Philosophy and Culture, PFUR, Moscow, Russia).

Within the framework of the philosophical seminar “Philosophical Triptych: Meaning-Text-Culture” dedicated to the philosophical development of theories of meaning of consciousness the Center for Philosophical and Cultural Studies of
India “Purushottama” (PFUR) invites you on April 28, 2022 (Thursday) at 17.00 to the first introductory seminar “Philosophical Triptych: Meaning-Text-Culture”. The seminar session will take place online. An access link will be sent
to all who wish to attend. The recording of the seminar session will be posted on YouTube (channels of the IP RAS and Purushottama Research Centre).